
Shipping, returns and refunds

+ Shipping methods Our artworks are shipped by insured express courier or are entrusted to specialised couriers. Insurance is included in the shipping costs and covers the full value of the work, safeguarding you from any damage or theft that may occur during transport. We advise you to make sure that the package is dry and undamaged when you pick it up. Upon collection, it is always a good idea to accept the work by signing with reservation.
+ Shipping costs and delivery time Shipping costs can range from 15€ to 990€. The cost depends on the type of work, its size and fragility. For some works it is necessary to make a custom-made wooden crate so that the work travels safely and damage is prevented during transport. If required, the cost of the crate and packaging is already included in the shipping costs.
The exact amount of shipping costs for each work on the Site are calculated and communicated to you before proceeding with payment.
If you live in a member country of the European Union, you will receive your work within 3 to 6 working days. If your work is to be shipped with crate, the delivery time may vary from 7 to 14 working days from the time of your order.
If you live in a country outside the European Union, the delivery time may be delayed due to customs procedures and export documentation.
If you need more information on delivery times, we suggest you look at the Shipping and delivery schedule for each work or write to us at shop@wunderkammern.net.
+ Damaged work? Here's what to do Upon collection, we suggest you make sure that the package is undamaged and dry. Please remember that it is always a good idea to accept the work by signing with reservation. If, once you have opened the package, you notice that the work you have received is damaged, you can write to us within 24 hours of the delivery date at shop@wunderkammern.net attaching photos clearly showing the damage.
+ Returns If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase and wish to return the work, you may do so within 48 hours from the date of delivery. Please e-mail us at shop@wunderkammern.net so that we can send you the Return Authorisation Form, without which your return will not be accepted. You should then pack the work carefully and send it to the address we will give you.