€750.00 €614.75 VAT included

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Testa di pietra

Spray and squeezer


100 cm x 70 cm


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Testa di pietra is a work of art created by Esa rapper and multifaceted artist established both in the national rap scene and in the graffiti world.

In this work,Esa combines his mastery as a rapper and graffiti artist with painting technique to create a work that is a tribute to the dynamism and expressiveness of urban cultures. The face portrayed is composed of a series of geometric lines and blocks of colour reminiscent of the vibrancy and energy of rap and hip-hop music, areas in which Esa has left an indelible mark. The use of graffiti writing elements in theupper area of the face not only adds an additional layer of text to the work but also alludes to the artist's signature.

Testa di pietra is a unique work created in 2021 measuring 70x100 cm


If you are interested in purchasing Testa di pietraby theartist Esa, click on "SHOW PRICE" and you will soon receive all the information by e-mail.

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about Esa'sart , works, prices and quotations.